
Tax, Accounting and Audit in China, India and Vietnam 2014-2015

Published: May 2015

This collection of three guides offers you a comprehensive overview of tax, accounting, and audit in China, India and Vietnam. It outlines the major taxes that foreign investors are likely to encounter when establishing or operating a business in these countries as well as other tax-relevant obligations.

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  • No. of Pages: 221 pages
  • ISBN: 978-988-15252-2-2

This collection provides a comprehensive overview of tax, accounting, and audit in China, India and Vietnam. It outlines the major taxes that foreign investors are likely to encounter when establishing or operating a business in these countries as well as other tax-relevant obligations. This concise, detailed, yet pragmatic compilation of guides is ideal for CFOs, compliance officers and heads of accounting who must navigate the complex tax and accounting landscape in emerging Asia in order to effectively manage and strategically plan their operations there.

In this collection:


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